Sunday, August 30, 2009

Labels: Entertainment, Gloria Estefan
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

But he is "hunted" down by the banished fire prince Zuko, who intends to gain back his reputation by capturing the Avatar and returning him to he Fire Lord.

On the Second book, Aang masters the earth bending technique when a blind Earth bender (Toph) teaches him the arts of Hung Gar. A style of martial art that has firmly rooted stances and powerful strikes to represent the solid nature of earth.
In this book, he is still follwed by Zuko, but now Zuko's sister "Azula" tags along to fight Aang and eliminate him. But Aang and his friends find out about a solar eclipse that will leave the fire nation voulnerable for a samll period of time, leaving the fire Lord at his weakest, a perfect opprtunity to attack.
On the third book, Prince Zuko stops the hunt for the Avatar and joins him in the quest to stop the Fire lord from conquering the world, thus he becomes Aang fire bender Master. Fire bending is known as Northern Shaolin Kung Fu uses strong arm and leg movements.

Here is where all the action and fighting takes place as the Avatar and his friends face off the Fire Lord and his daughter Azula in an epic batlle.
The movie is to be released on June 2 2010, and if they mix all of the element the cartoon presents, with the hi-tech special effects and a good cast, its guaranteed to be a hit in the theaters.

Labels: anime, Avatar, Entertainment

Labels: Entertainment
Labels: Entertainment
Saturday, August 15, 2009
For those of you hwo were not able to attend the wedding and some of the events that preceded the ceremony, here is a sample of what you missed!!!
Two great families coming together, a little ceremony, and the begining of one great celebration with a Mariachi Band!!!
Hope you guys like it as much as I did!!! it was a great time!
Watch Jonathan y Nathalia's pre-wedding night!! in Family | View More Free Videos Online at
Labels: Wedding
Here is something that is coming strong in the south Florida bay area, this upcoming band called Origen, is composed of a group of friends that started out in high school and now are packing the night clubs and are booking openings for major concerts. Their new video of the song Coexisitir has had a great succes in the Florida area, and it will be great to hear this guys in a tour one day!!! I specially liked the two smoking girls at the bar, and the Marine Veteran sceene, let me know what is your opinion!!!
Got to admit it, the singer, Mirs, short Fort Maria Isabel, is smoking!!! and the guys are easy on the eyes too, but I'll stick with the Mirs!!!
Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did and if you hear them on the radio, or even see them on the street, dont forget that they are also very cool people!!!
Labels: Entertainment, Origen
Friday, July 17, 2009
Labels: Entertainment, Shakira
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson started in the music business at the age of 11 with his brothers as a member of the Jackson 5. In the early 1980s, he defined the art form of music video with such ground-breaking videos as "Billie Jean," "Beat It" and the epic "Thriller." Jackson's sound, style and dance moves inspired subsequent generations of pop, soul, R&B and hip-hop artists.
Five of Jackson's solo albums – "Off the Wall," "Thriller," "Bad," "Dangerous" and "History," all with Epic Records, a Sony Music label – are among the top-sellers of all time. During his extraordinary career, he sold an estimated 750 million records worldwide, released 13 No.1 singles and became one of a handful of artists to be inducted twice into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Guinness Book of World Records recognized Jackson as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time and "Thriller" as the Biggest Selling Album of All Time. Jackson won 13 Grammy Awards and received the American Music Award's Artist of the Century Award.
On June 25, 2009, Jackson collapsed at a rented home in Holmby Hills in Los Angeles. Attempts at resuscitating him by his personal physician were unsuccessful. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics received a 911 call at 12:21 pm (PDT), and arrived nine minutes later at Jackson's location. He was reportedly not breathing and CPR was performed. Resuscitation efforts continued both en route to the UCLA Medical Center, and for an hour further after arriving at approximately 1:14 pm (20:14 UTC). He was noted to have already been in cardiac arrest by the paramedics who attended his house. Jackson was pronounced dead at about 2:26 pm local time (21:26 UTC). Many news organizations were generally very cautious about the initial reports of his death.
The cause of death has not yet been determined. The case was transferred to the Los Angeles County Coroner for investigation. Jackson's body was transported by helicopter from UCLA to the LA Coroner's offices in Boyle Heights. The autopsy was scheduled for Friday, June 26, 2009. A final verdict on Michael Jackson's autopsy will only be possible after the toxicology test results are confirmed, which could take six to eight weeks. It has been reported that police are searching for Michael Jackson's personal doctor, currently missing, after the star's family suggested he died because of a drug overdose of Demerol, an opioid similar to morphine.
Jackson's death caused a large-scale outpouring of grief among fans, as they gathered outside the UCLA Medical Center and his Holmby Hills home. Fans also gathered in New York City outside the Apollo Theater and in Detroit outside Hitsville U.S.A., the old Motown headquarters – now the Motown Museum – where fans created a shrine.
Labels: Michael Jackson
Friday, June 19, 2009
DO girls really dig your car?
The Conventional Wisdom
Most of the auto industry's sales come from this long-held assumption of frat boys everywhere: the nicer the car, the better your chances with the ladies.
If you think you're going to pick up a woman in a beat up hatchback, then you'd better listen to those Free Credit Report guys, because as their catchy jingle says, women won't give you the time of day if you drive a '98 Daewoo.
At least he can play the guitar.
Science Shows...
The Free Credit Report guy is right.
A British insurance company called Hiscox (seriously?) conducted the study. They found when female subjects heard the roar of a Maserati's engine, they went to their happy place down south. Out of the 40 women who participated in the study, every last woman reported getting that tingly sensation from the sports car.

So maybe you're thinking that being "green" and "economically responsible" might turn some women on, right? After all, chicks dig a guy who cares about the earth! Well, not so much. The study also concluded that not only were both guys and chicks turned completely off by the sound of a VW Polo, but it actually lowered everyone's testosterone level.
So when you're rolling around in the Volkswagon or Prius and some frat boy named Tyler calls you a pussy, sadly he's actually got science on his side.

Labels: Entertainment
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Carolina Guerra es una enferma del fútbol. Ella misma dice que es tan fanática como un niño. Incluso, cuando cumplió los quince no le regalaron una fiesta o un anillo como a las demás niñas, sino un viaje a Nueva York, con boletas incluidas, para ver un partido entre el Manchester United y la Juventus de Turín. Pero su equipo favorito es el Barsa!! Que opinas tu?

Labels: Mujeres
From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite G.I. JOE team uses the latest in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos.
This is another movie that was waiting to come to the big screen, and for those of us who are fans of the action figures, this should be a thriller, although the caracters might not be represented correctly, but they sure gave us some really good special effects and eye candy.
For tose who are waiting to see this movie, your wait is not to long, it is to be released in August 7, 2009.
Labels: Movies
Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen is due to come out on June 24, 2009 in theaters, and in my humble opinion, you should watch it, if not for the transformers and special effects or the Egyptian scenery, then go to see the hotness of Megan Fox.
When Sam Witwicky finds out some crucial information about the Transformers' creation and their history on our planet, the Decepticons set out to catch him and pick his brain. Optimus Prime must join forces with armies from nations all over the world in order to stage an epic battle against the Decepticons in the enigmatic land of Egypt. Many secrets about both human and Cybertronian history are revealed amid spectacular clashes of robot vs. robot.
I tell you this, I would see this movie for a whole lot of reasons, and I hope you like it as well as I do.
Labels: Movies
Thursday, May 7, 2009
As the tournament is coming to an end, and winning school will only be determined by who wins the soccer tournament. The tension is building up, the match is getting harder by the minute, Oliver starts to feel certain pressure in order to win the match, but help just arrives!!! His dad just came from his tour and made it just in time to inject some needed inspiration t the players.
How ever we got a new kid on the show that no one has seen before, but Oliver, could he be a soccer player? is he going to help Oliver win the match.
We'll just have to see the video.
Watch El regreso de Papa (My dad returns) in Anime | View More Free Videos Online at
Labels: Super Campeones
Monday, April 27, 2009
Watch Empieza el torneo (The Tournament Begins) in Anime View More Free Videos Online at
The tounament its on its way, and the schools are going to have to decide the intercolegial tournament with a tie breaker, meaning the soccer game will decide it all.
As the match takes place a new kid on the block is registering to one of the schools, and it all points out that he is also a soccer player that will probably give the team a game play advantage, but what team? you will have to watch the video.
Finally Oliver and Benji will have their final face off, who will be the winner? Lets watch the video, shall we?
Labels: Super Campeones
Let me say that I have seen a significant improvement from her partying life to becoming the pop princess she used to be.
Now with all the publicity she got for the entire thing she went thru, it is only hopeful that she would learn how to be more graceful and learn how to dress, but this tops the list, Ladies PLEASE!!! Can anyone give her the directions for the applicator?
Labels: Entertainment
If there is something that thrill seekers want to do is to video tape the ride on a rollercoaster, but hands down this model just took that idea to the next level.
I will never look at a rollercoaster in the same way!
Labels: Entertainment
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
If you are following the shows, this one should be very interesting for you guys.
In this chapter Roberto tells the team players that in order to become better players they need to start by kicking the ball everywhere they go. At first, the team starts having problems controlling the ball, but the quickly improve their skills significantly, although you will have some good laughs while they train. The team must also practice for the next encounter against the San Francis School, a team that defeated them 30 goals to nothing on the last encounter. But Roberto has placed Oliver as the goal keeper, what can this mean? Oliver is the star player and needs to be up front and center, but I’ll let the video explain this to you.
Watch Super Campeones 004 in Anime | View More Free Videos Online at
Labels: anime, Super Campeones
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Oliver has determined to play for the Niupi school, and it is time for the first day at school. As some of the school students receive him in a very welcoming way, they let him know about the inter-collegial tournament that will take place very soon. On the other hand, Roberto Sedino, who has become his new coach, also faces a personal dilemma that prevents him from playing professional soccer, but Roberto is now determined to help Oliver become a professional soccer player. Roberto has a surprise set for Oliver and the Niupi team, which will give the team new found confidence.
Watch Super Campeones 003 in Anime | View More Free Videos Online at
Labels: anime, Super Campeones
Monday, March 9, 2009
In this chapter, Oliver’s challenge against Benji takes place in the soccer field, but Benji ads a small twist to the challenge by asking Oliver to take upon the whole team by himself, and the try to score a goal against the famous and unstoppable Benji Price. Taking his best friend at his feet, he drbbles between the entire team and takes the ball all the way to Benji’s goal. Although he missed the first attempt, he receives a pass from Roberto Cedino and quickly takes the opportunity to score a head goal against Benji. Right after this Oliver decides to assist the Niupi school, the eternal rival of the San Francis school (where Benji attnds school). With Oliver as the “ A” player and Roberto Cedino as the new coach, the schools will now face off on a great match.
Watch Super Campeones 002 | View More Free Videos Online at
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
As time has come to pass, so does our childhood memories, but during this past few weeks I looked into my inner child only to realize how much fun a person can have as a child.
I see the kids in my neighborhood playing soccer in the afternoons and it brings great memories of my childhood back of when I used to be the kid in the block playing soccer with my friends. However my memories also brought me back one of the best anime stories of all times, one that was correlated with that moment of my life, Captain Tsubasa (Los super campeones Latino, Oliver y Benji Spanish). For those who remember the anime, you will have some great memories watching the video, and for those who have not heard of it, I hope you enjoy the series as much as some of us did when we were kids.
Watch Super Campeones 001 | View More Free Videos Online at
Monday, February 9, 2009
There has been rumors about the end of the world for as long as I remember, some include the Y2K, the Antichrist, and more, but as time goes by humanity and all living things has continued to survive.
If you find time and you don’t know what else to search in the internet, try going to Google and type in “2012” and check the large amount of web sites instructing you on survival tips, scientific predictions of what might happen such as a complete melt down of the polar ends, thus raising the water levels to extreme altitudes and reducing the oceans salinity to a point where the current that makes the world rotate will stop or even start to rotate in the inverse direction.
How do you think the government of all the countries will tell their people? Is one of the questions ask in the trailler of the movie “2012” supposed to be released this fall. The film looks like they will take the global warming approach, by melting the ice in the polar end of the world and rising the water level to the top of the himalaya and destroying everything in its path.
But why are we creating such commotion over 2012? And better yet, why December 21, 2012? It all comes down to the Mayan calendar were 2012 is the end of a 5,126 year cycle, an ancient civilization well known for the advanced knowledge of the astronomy. The Long Count calendar was one of several created by the ancient Maya and it consists on the following units of time:
kin = one day
uinal = 20 days
tun = 360 days (18 uinal)
katun = 7,200 days (20 tun)
baktun = 144,000 days (20 katun)
December 21, 2012, would be written as and the day after that as
Do you believe the world is going to end? The Mayan Calendar does not stop it resets itself, or maybe it means a rebirth, either way it continues to work. If the cycle is every 5,126 years, then it only means it will continue to re-occur, thus life will continue, maybe not as we know it but it will continue nonetheless, the world will probably have to forego through some extreme changes, but the world will endure it as much as it has. The question is, for how long?
Labels: 2012, Entertainment
Saturday, February 7, 2009
If I was to tell you that you could save some money every month by turning off your cable service, would you do it? Or would you give me a question as an answer “Were would I watch TV then?” If I was to tell you that you can watch TV from the internet for free, would you believe it? Well I guess you better do, according to CNN, more and more Americans are turning their cable off to watch their favorite shows online.
New web sites like and Joost, are now uploading TV series, and shows, as well as movies for people to see them online at their on schedule. The web sites only require for you to create a free account, and voila! Now you can see all their movies in your computer or laptop.
If you are savvy in the tech field, I would suggest to you to connect your computer system to your TV and enjoy the service while you save something extra every month.
Labels: Technology
Friday, February 6, 2009
Alright people, if you were thinking about getting a new car any time soon, now is the time, the government just made enduring this crisis a little more easier on your transportation problems.
The senate approved this past Tuesday a tax cut for the people who is willing to buy an American car between November 12, 2008 and December 31, 2009; for those individuals earning an annual income of less than $125,000 and couples of less than $250,000, the tax cut will be applied towards the first $49,500 of the price of the car.
So if you were thinking on getting those nice cars that GM and Ford are coming up with, you should definitely start walking towards the closest dealer and see if an American car or truck fits your style, take a look at the new Ford F-150 with deals like 0% APR financing for 60 months or up to $7,500 back, now that is a deal.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
It indicates their exact location by using the satellite information and Wi-Fi access around you. Does this mean that anyone can locate you? No, Google has made it clear that every user will have the opportunity to turn it on and off at their will and you will be in control of who gets to see your location.
Personally, I think that this service is great if you are the type of person who might think that your career put in jeopardy the life of your love ones, but if you are and Average “Joe the Plumber” you might want to be careful to whom you add on monitor. For example, if you install the system into your kid’s cell phone, you might do it only for security and to be aware of the where about of their daily activities, but for them it might be an invasion of trust.
What do you think about this new technology? Will you use it? And who will you let track you?
Labels: Technology
Monday, February 2, 2009
Trying to get your company to be noticed by the public? Have you tried publishing your company in the local news paper? Do you have a web site? Well regardless of everything you have done, if you have not placed your add to air during the Super Bowl, then you might not be reaching all the possible public there is out there.
The Super Bowl commercials are considered to be the most creative and entertaining commercials to be aired in television, with prices ranging in the millions for just thirty seconds. Please take a moment to see some the videos of some of the Super Bowl Commercials aired yesterday.
Enjoy the collection here.
Labels: Entertainment
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Who will win this war? Both teams have the tools to become the next Super Bowl champion, and my guess it will all go down on the last quarter, where the pressure will crack even the most experienced players, and it will bring strength to those who have hope. In the last fifteen minutes of the game we will see who wants more.
If you are at the stadium, at a bar or at home watching the game, you will be in for a night of entertainment.
Labels: Sports
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Ikky twins, bisexual twins, you read it right, bisexual twins. The season is already at its final episode and it seems we are going to be in for a treat. If you have not followed it so far, here is a quick recap of the series. After trying to date 12 guys and 12 girls, they have narrow it down to the final two, Trevor, a single straight guy who is an Owen Williams surfer look alike, and Rebekah, a single mother with great looks. Although Rebekah seems to be more interested in Vicky, her son was more interested in Ricky and that just made her decision more confusing, however, Trevor has proven to have deep feelings for Rikky, but Vikky is not about to just let her have him all to herself, after the siblings are very attracted to him.
Like I said it will be a great finally not to miss.
Labels: Entertainment
CareerBuilder - Tips (Sneak Peak)
Super bowl weekend is coming guys, and that only means that coming Sunday all we will be doing is getting ready for a great show. Although the Steelers vs. the Cardinals game will be great, we know that the Super Bowl also brings us some of the greatest commercials of all time.
One of the previews are ads of Sobe, GE, and Carrier Builder, and if you can’t wait to see what is in store for us on Sunday, then here is a small preview of one of the commercials.
Like I said, this is only a preview, the best will be revealed to us on Sunday.
Labels: Entertainment
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Courtesy of Sports Illustrated
Ok tennis fans, here is something you guys might have missed last night, or shall I say this morning.
A five set epic story in tennis, where the old school finally meets the new age, a few mistakes here and there, and out of nowhere Andy Roddick starts to feel the pressure.
The match seem to be favor to Roddick for some time, but Federer was putting up a great match, it was until Federer started to play the video challenge that it truly inspired him to grasp the reins of the match and take it to a great victory.
I got to tell you that Roddick face took a 180 degree turn after Federer made those two consecutive video challenges, and got them right. Federer knew he was back in business and his future date in the finals was looking brighter by the minute.
Roddick was doing a hell of a job, returning services, putting the ball to the edge, painting the lines, but Federer did an even better job of painting those lines and calling does challenges.
If Federer continues his winning streak, and wins the open, he will equal Pete Sampras record of major final appearances and based on this morning match, a whooping 6-2 7-5 7-5, we are definitely in for a treat for the finals.
If the final match is anywhere as close to this one, compared to challenges, great plays, and wearing down the opponent while making him dance to the beat of Federer’s music, just like he made Roddick dance from side to side of the court, making him hit high balls and low balls, I am sure the final match will be as exciting as this one.
Federer will now move forward to play to either one of two great players, Rafael Nadal or Fernando Verdasco.
Labels: Sports
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Alright people, if you know Andres Lopez, then you know this is a must see show, and if you don’t know him, please make an effort to see his show, you will not regret it.
According to , every Friday and Saturday Starting January 30, 2009 in the Intercontinental West Hotel at the Grand Doral Ballroom at 8:30pm, Andres will be entertaining us with his stand-up comedy “Me pido la ventana, con frutica picada” (I call the window, with sliced fruit). In the stand-up, he will take you on a trip on the different cities of Colombia South America, embracing all the best qualities of each region and its people in a humorous satirical way.
Andres Lopez has been awarded the Double Diamond DVD by Universal Music Group for his work on “La Pelota de Letras” (The ball of Letters) in 2007, and if “Me Pido la Ventana, con frutica picada” is as good as the previous show, you are in for a night of laughter.
You can find tickets for the shows at , I suggest you get them soon, because they are hot.
See a quick preview here
Labels: Entertainment Comedy
It is obvious that Chase Budinger didn't appreciate getting his face intentionally stepped on by the Arizona forward Huston's Aubrey Coleman in the second half of their game Saturday. As Coleman walked over Budinger, he appeared to stomp on Budinger's face “purposely”. Some might say that it was an accident, but needless to say, it was his face.Now, how would you react if someone stomped on your face? Budinger, probably reacted the same way you would have, rather swiftly. Luckily the officials and other players intervened quite quickly, before any punches were thrown.
Arizona ended up winning the basketball game with an amazing comeback in the last minutes to force overtime. You think that the little altercation provide the necessary motivation the Wildcats needed, as they majorly outscored Houston the rest of the way? Of course, and lets us not forget that Houston lost their best player, Coleman, after the little incident.
Coleman has now officially, apologized to Chase according to
“I want to apologize to Chase Budinger for what happened Saturday night. I never meant to step on him,” “I have never been in an incident like this before, and I have nothing but respect for him as a great player. I love the game too much to do something like that intentionally. I want to say I am sorry from the bottom of my heart,” Coleman said. “I know that God knows what is in my heart, but I am hopeful that Chase will understand and forgive.”
Well, that God line makes it sound like it really comes from the heart, very sincere. But note that the actions speak louder than words, and that stomp looked anything else but unintentional. Coleman is either very great actor or very sloppy with his feet when there is a player underneath his feet. Like in every incident story, these two will probably see it as a moment in sports and forget about it and continue a great friendship in the name of sportsmanship.
Labels: Sports
Monday, January 26, 2009
Valentines is coming up pretty close now, and a word of advice would be to plan for it and not to procrastinate any plans.
If you have a significant other, you might want to start thinking about the what, where, type of questions because I guarantee you that if you miss it, your current relationship will be a thing of the past.
Here is a tip for most people, when they tell you they don’t want anything, they are lying bug time, all they are really implying is that you should figure out what will they like and put a little effort in finding what your partner really wants and likes. Go get it for them, wrap it nicely, have a nice dinner with some candles (not too many), and spend some time listening to music while having a moment to laugh at each other. If you do this right, well hopefully you will be rewarded equally or better.
Ok maybe you are not the cooking type, you can always take a walk in the park, the beach, a picnic, or if the budget allows it, then take them to a nice restaurant have some wine and hear each other out.
But whatever you do, please do not FORGET valentine is on February 14.
Labels: Valentine
Sunday, January 25, 2009
You guys have to see this fight over and over again, after just three minutes of fighting Fedor knocks out Arlovski.
I got to admit that Arlovski was having a good fight last night, at first it seemed like he was beating Fedor to the punch and landing some good kicks, one of them even push the WAMMA champion into a corner making him seem a little unstable. Continuing his attack Arlovski tried to finish Fedor with a flying knee, but Fedor had something saved for him.
In the middle of the flying knee kick, Fedor countered the kick with a right hand punch to the head that automatically stopped Arlovski in mid flight, and finishing him of laying flat face on the ground.
Fedor knocked Arlovski in only 3 minutes and 14 seconds of the first round, adding Arlovski to the list of UFC champions defeated by Fedor.
If you miss the match, please enjoy the video.
Labels: Sports
Saturday, January 24, 2009
For the two species to get along is a little hard since the head of the vampire race “Victor” sees the Lycans as mere salvages to be treated as salves.
Although, vampires are known for being heartless, Victor shows mercy and spares the life of a baby Lycan, (Lucian) whom will grow up and fall in love with Victor’s daughter Sonja, but as you can imagine, she will have to face the consequences for attempting to love a Lycan or animal as Victor refers to them.
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans is a movie that will have your underling attention, but there are things that are definitely going to make you mock the movie or talk about it, whether is in a good or bad way; that is totally up to the audience.
Labels: Movies
Friday, January 23, 2009
Djokovick won the first set 6-2, but he was not able to take the second set from Delic after he was able to enforce his game on Djokovic, earning Delic the second set at 6-4.
Djokovick had a comeback for the third set finishing off the set at 6-3
Labels: Sports
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Courtesy of
Liv (Kate Hudson) is a successful lawyer who is always getting her way by her sassy attitude of always being ahead of things, while Emma (Anne Hathaway) is a teacher who is always pleasing everyone around her. But when it comes to the day of the wedding, their friendship becomes almost meaningless in this battle to prove whose wedding should be first and whose wedding will be better.
It’s a romantic comedy that the girls won’t miss out on, and you are probably going to have to tag along, but I will tell you this, you will laugh regardless of what you think.
Labels: Movies
The nominations took place this morning in the Academy of Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills California, presented by Academy President Sid Ganis and accompany by Oscar-winning actor Forest Whitaker. As Stated by Mr. Ganis this morning The 81 annual Academy Awards will be presented on Sunday, 22 February 2009.
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Stephen Daldry, The Reader
David Fincher, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Ron Howard, Frost/Nixon
Gus Van Sant, Milk
Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn, Milk
Brad Pitt, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler
Angelina Jolie, Changeling
Melissa Leo, Frozen River
Meryl Streep, Doubt
Kate Winslet, The Reader
Robert Downey Jr., Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt
Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road
Colin Farrell, In Bruges
James Franco, Pineapple Express
Brendan Gleeson, In Bruges
Dustin Hoffman, Last Chance Harvey
The class (France)
Departures (Japan)
Revanche (Austria)
Waltz With Bashir (Israel)
Courtney Hunt, Frozen River
Mike Leigh, Happy-Go-Lucky
Martin McDonagh, In Bruges
Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, Pete Docter, WALL-E
John Patrick Shanley, Doubt
Peter Morgan, Frost/Nixon
David Hare, The Reader Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog Millionaire
Labels: Movies
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I was just visiting the guitar hero home page and notice that they are coming up with the Guitar hero Metallica Version of the game, just like the Aerosmith version. That totally rocks.
So I went ahead to pre-order the game from and found out that they are including an extra foot pedal for free… What does that mean? I hope it means that the drums are going to get the double bass pedal for more gaming exitement. Although the game is set to be released until March 29 2009, this is exciting news.
You need to get this for yourself now.
Labels: Games
Courtesy of
I tell you this, if she plays the role of Wonder woman, she does make the red white and blue suit justice, the golden tiara is just and extra touch tagged to her hottness.
Labels: Movies
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
President Obama 1st speech to the nation.
Labels: Politics
We are living history in the making; Barack Obama is now the 1st African American President Staring the day at church, and at noon he took his new office after being sworn in, and later he will be attending several celebration parties. People have gather around the nation’s capitol to see this moment, all roads are filled with pedestrian traffic for blocks, and it is expected to grow into millions, all filled with hope that Barack Obama will make history with this country. He becomes our 44th President and receives a country facing an economic depression, a country that is still facing the consequences of two wars.
I salute you Commander- in-Chief. Semper-Fi. Photo courtesy of
Labels: Politics
Monday, January 19, 2009
Starting Kevin James (Hitch, King of Queens, I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry) is a Mall Security Officer, however he takes his job extremely serious despite the fact that no one else does.
Although critics are saying it is an OK movie… I thought it was funny… well ok I was laughing out loud.
Go see it as soon as you can and please let me know what you think.
Labels: Movies
January 18 2009, It is the AFC match Steelers Vs Ravens, what a match.
The game was going well into the end of the 4th quarter; Steelers are up 23-14 and the ravens got the ball. Joe Flacco passes to Willis Mcgahee, he turns around, starts running, gets momentum, but here comes Steelers Ryana Clark, at full speed… I let the video tell you the rest of the action.
Willis was taken off the field with a concussion, and we hope he gets better.Steelers will move forward to the Super bowl XLIII against Cardinals, this will be a match to see, after all it is the first time the Cardinals play on the Super Bowl and they are playing against a team who already won the Super Bowl to season ago.
Labels: Sports
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Carlos Dunlap got the defense player of the game.
Tim Tebow took the offensive player of the game.
Congratulations to Oklahoma on getting second place, it was not easy getting there either.
Time to celebrate!!
Labels: Sports
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
While some people were out celebrating this guy was getting his own action... got to tell you it looks like it could hurt.
Labels: Entertainment